It is early morning and you are going out to work. When you get in the car, you will find the wheels are scratched. You think: "I just bought these wheels two months ago." Unfortunately, no matter how new your wheels are, they are always easily damaged by nails or other debris. Can it be replaced, or do I have to buy new wheels?
The ability to repair a damaged wheel instead of replacing it will depend on the size of the puncture, the location of the puncture, and the speed at which the damage is found. Of course,repairing wheelsis the most cost-effective option, but this does not come at the expense of the safety of you and the passengers. Before deciding to repair a wheel instead of buying a new one, you need to make sure that your wheel is a good choice for repair.
When deciding whether a wheel can be replaced, the first factor is how long you drove on the wheel before you noticed and responded to a flat tire. Driving on low or flat wheels for any period of time can severely damage the sidewalls of the wheels, causing hidden damage in the wheels. Before making any repairs, the hub needs to be thoroughly inspected by completely disassembling it.
Another factor will be the size, location and type of wheel punctures. Regardless of the size, any puncture in the sidewall or shoulder of the wheel cannot be repaired. If the puncture is irregular, long and straight or large in diameter, the wheel is not suitable for repair. Cutting for a long time may mean that the wheel has been severely damaged, resulting in reduced wheel durability.
Good wheels are not cheap, so it is important to do everything possible to extend the life of the wheels. Because the wheel is the first point of contact, road hazards (such as small rocks, garbage, debris, salt, and chemicals) can be dangerous while driving. Try to avoid debris that is dangerous while driving because it is difficult to deal with the hazard level of the object within a few seconds when the driver must react. Drivers who encounter road debris usually do not have time or space to avoid collisions, and these accidents can be very serious.
We recommend that you turn the wheels to a professional and not repair them yourself, they have wheel repair machine to repair wheels. They will be able to properly inspect and repair your wheel to ensure that the wheel is restored to its pre-damage condition. Safety is the top priority. The wheel is the only part of the vehicle that is in direct contact with the road, so it is very important to keep it in a proper working condition.
There are diamond cut wheel repair machine in professional wheel repair shop. Taian Crystal wheel repair CNC lathe machine can repair wheels perfectly and keep wheel original curve. If you have any opinion for wheel repair machine, welcome to write here or contact me and maybe we could talk about more.